Today was my marathon day of cooking. started last night with the defrosting and giving the meat grinder a workout making ground beef and ground turkey. It is so much cheaper (and healthier) to buy a whole turkey or steak and grind it yourself. No fillers for me or my hubby! The numerous attachments for my pretty pink kitchenaid mixer have been a blessing!
And the chopping begins! This is my FAVORITE knife in the ENTIRE world!!
(Kyocera Pink Revolution Santoku Knife)
Add the parsley.....
Add the cucumber.....and mix
Add the onion.....and mix
Add the tomato....and mix
Add 1 Tbsp EVOO, 1 tsp herbamare, 1/2 c apple cider vinegar, 1/2 c lemon juice
Mix, then refrigerate and serve when chilled!
Next was guacamole with tomatoes
A little white rice
(as you can see....i'm obsessed with Le Crueset cookwear!)
My husband was VERY happy with his "faux" cuban dinner.
And after dinner and cleaning, I packaged up whatever pork we wouldn't eat this week and put it in the freezer. I put 3 of these qt. bags away. A 7 1/2 pound roast goes a long way! And for just $8.50 for the entire roast...You can't beat it!

I kicked off at noon by popping the pork shoulder roast in the oven.
4 hours and 45 minutes later......the big reveal
A 350 degree oven, a little salt, olive oil and tada!
Work it a little, pull it apart and you have.....pulled pork!
And yes.....that's turkey stock simmering in the background. Soup for the week and 2 quarts for the freezer.
While this masterpiece was in the oven I even made it to the gym for a mega lover body workout that was much needed. I felt like a rockstar walking out of that gym. I need a long hot bath before bed tonight for sure!
Growing up I always made tabouli with my mom. The rinsing, mincing and chopping for which seemed like forever back then all paid off when we got to sample the refreshing salad.
This is what you start with.
(Make sure to cook the bulgur the night before so it cools.)
This is what you start with.
(Make sure to cook the bulgur the night before so it cools.)
And the chopping begins! This is my FAVORITE knife in the ENTIRE world!!
(Kyocera Pink Revolution Santoku Knife)
Add the parsley.....
Add the cucumber.....and mix
Add the onion.....and mix
Add the tomato....and mix
Add 1 Tbsp EVOO, 1 tsp herbamare, 1/2 c apple cider vinegar, 1/2 c lemon juice
Mix, then refrigerate and serve when chilled!
Next was guacamole with tomatoes
A little white rice
(as you can see....i'm obsessed with Le Crueset cookwear!)
My husband was VERY happy with his "faux" cuban dinner.
And after dinner and cleaning, I packaged up whatever pork we wouldn't eat this week and put it in the freezer. I put 3 of these qt. bags away. A 7 1/2 pound roast goes a long way! And for just $8.50 for the entire roast...You can't beat it!