Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grab life by the horns!

What is "grabbing life by the horns" you ask? goes....
-Enjoying your life to the fullest
-Not letting anything hold you back from doing what you want
-Fully embracing everything life has to offer
-Not letting fear hold you back
-Having a zest for life
-Taking as much fun and enjoyment out of life as you can

And my personal favorite.....


I guess that sums it up and is the perfect introduction for my big announcment! In exactly 21 days I will hop on a plane at JFK and begin my travels! 95 days of traveling to be exact! I will be joining my husband in Buenos Aires for his semester abroad and traveling the world with him! My best friend, the love of my life, my partner in crime! Our destinations include but are not limited to: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, India, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey!

Check in soon for pictures and the tales of our adventures!!

1 comment:

  1. are an inspiration! As I sit here writing you, Dan and I are waiting to hear from Sydney's HS principal about whether or not Dan and I will be directing the HS fall play (needs to be cleared by HR). My reservations and fear stare me in the eye. You see I've never directed a play before, but I've always thought that I might want to some day. Reading your blog post just now has given me that needed push to, as you stated, take risks and not be held back fear. So thank you for crossing paths with me at just the right moment in time!

    Your trip sounds amazing! I hope you're able to keep us posted through FB or your blog.

    Liz Howard
